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Channeled Wisdom For Your Spiritual Growth. (Sophia, Channeled Wisdom of the Divine Feminine Collective Book 1)

Awaken To Brilliance

Excerpt from the book

Your evolution is quickening within you. It is like the beating heart that cannot be ignored.

Dear one, the countdown to this moment of now began at the onset of the human experience in this realm. There was an understanding that humanity was going upon a journey, wherein it would learn through its human experience in physicalness, what it was to be in the vibration of density. Necessarily, there was a forgetfulness of the full divine knowing that flowed through each one of you in your natural state, so that you may come to fully experience your physical humanness. You were brought onto the earth plane without remembering your celestial origin. It is what enabled you to come to experience the earthly realm as your home.

Now it is that you are at this pivotal moment where you have achieved a certain mastery of what it is to be in the physical, to such a degree that so much of humanity denies that anything even exists beyond the physical. But that is no matter, for you see, all of humanity is meant to awaken to the truth soon. And so this unique time in humanity's history and evolution is one of coming into resonance, into harmony, with the new energies that are present and emerging in your realm. And they are evermore coming forth from the heavens in larger waves, carrying higher and finer frequencies.

These frequencies are intended to assist you in breaking up the density upon your realm. These frequencies are intended to assist you in breaking up the density within each one of you. And by density, we imply no judgment whatsoever. We simply refer to whatever within you that in some fashion denies you from knowing your divine dignity.

This is the moment for you to suspend your disbelief, in order to invite more of that which is to emerge into your experience of life, into your knowing of self. Be no longer defined by the blinders that your many lifetimes have put upon you, for they simply define that which has been and that which you have been. The question that we invite you to consider is, What can you be?

Dear one, this is in truth the time of humanity's awakening. We refer to this time as the time of the Quickening. For dear one, your evolution is quickening within you. It is like the beating heart that cannot be ignored, the building appetite that cannot be denied.

There is a stirring within that simply must be honored, that must be heard, that must be followed. Many of you know not where it will lead you. We say to you if you follow your heart with the highest of intentions and with a belief that you will be guided by the heavens upon a journey that will unfold itself in joy and fulfillment of your highest expression, then you cannot be led astray.

Awaken the teacher within you. For there is an endless well of wisdom within you waiting to be discovered, eager to be seen, desirous of being made manifest through you, in you, as you. You are that wisdom. As each of you begins to honor this and recognize it and strive to awaken it within you, it will evermore reveal itself to you. And what will occur is that which is within you that interferes with your emerging awakening will be brought to the surface.

We say to you, dear one, in times past, the vibrational ceiling was much lower. But this time is different. The ceiling has lifted. So now this journey of self-awakening, of self-discovery, of spiritual evolution, of integration is at hand. It is not that you must now seek for the ladders to climb upon in order to go ever higher in your consciousness. It is simply that you must identify that which is within you that is weighing you down, that which is of the old beliefs. All of those patterns within you that deny you from stepping into your joy, into your brilliance, into your experience of your wonderment and your freedom. It is to allow yourselves to notice these, then to ever gently release them.

As these weights are released from you, you will naturally rise in your consciousness. You will know this, dear one, for you will evermore be animated in strength and with joy. Reclaim the torch that lights your life, that your face evermore may shine in its brilliance, never to be snuffed out again.

So be it.

You are here at this time to evolve, you are here to break free the chains of old that you may emerge into your brilliance. Set your sights upon that goal. Set your compass to true north. And move consciously in every moment in that direction.

Dear one, this is the time of the Divine Feminine. Humanity has moved into a new time in its history. You have entered a new age. From our perspective, we would say that your entire solar system has moved into a new area of the universe that it has never traversed before. And here and now you are receiving vibrations and frequencies of energy that are ever higher and finer. You are in an ocean of energy that is attuned to freedom, attuned to love, attuned to harmony, attuned to peace, and attuned to truth.

Your humanity has completed the era of the third dimension. It was an era of the distorted masculine that lasted for tens of thousands of years, and it was defined by a limited range of energetic frequencies within which humanity was able to experience life. When we refer to the distorted masculine, dear one, we are referring to an energy that was predominantly orchestrating the evolution of humanity and the experiences within which humanity was free to journey through life. And it was distorted in that it was an era of competition, it was an era of control, it was an era of suppressing the feminine aspects of the whole.

The era of the third dimension is over. And yet the momentum of it persists in your realm at this time, which is why the patterns of humanity and the attitudes of humanity continue to prevail. It is why you see so much distortion in the world around you, whether you look at your political institutions, your medical institutions, your educational institutions, or your religious institutions. There is much distortion contained within them. It is not that many do not hold the intention to operate for the greater good of humanity at large. But there is distortion contained within.

However, it is also that the masculine energy did serve to enable humanity to progress in the way that it did. If you were to look at the arc of your history over the past many millennia, you would see that there was much that was created within this energy. It evolved your humanity to where it is now.

But this new era is an era of great change, of a great growth in light. You might look about you in your world and say,

Ah, but I am not seeing this.
I am seeing the growth of darkness, There are wars.
There is destruction.
There is suffering.
There is cruelty.
There are lies and there is greed.

And we will say to you, do not be deceived by that which you see, for that is merely a continuation of the momentum of that which has passed. The momentum of old still persists in your world. And for this reason, many do not accept that change is afoot. In fact, many perceive that the world itself may soon devolve into nothingness. We would say that is not the case at all.

You are living in a new era that is now defined by the Divine Feminine. You see, the pendulum has swung to the opposite extreme, from distorted masculine now to Divine Feminine. She is a powerful force unto herself. And this powerful energy is needed. Its unique resonance, its unique conveyances are needed in order to enable humanity to wake up from the distortions of old, from the darkness of old, from the shadows of old.

For humanity is now to begin to perceive things in new ways that are more inclusive, more intended to invite humanity to recognize its dignity. And this will not be an exclusive dignity reserved only for the few but an inclusive dignity that denies no one.

So be it.

Allow others to think you are crazy. For in truth, from their perspective, you are. They cannot yet perceive this that you are becoming. So be it. That is their loss. It is theirs yet to gain.

Dear one, if you were to measure the frequencies, the energies that are coming from the God center into your earth realm at this time, it would be a tiny ripple of the Divine Masculine in comparison to an overwhelming tidal wave of the Divine Feminine.

So this is the sea in which you find yourself swimming. Allow yourself to become ever more sensitive, attuned to that which is occurring in the subtle realms, those realms that are beyond that which you can see or hear or smell or taste or touch.

Our words have been recorded in your texts, As above, so below. And we say to you, it extends, As within, so without. And so the chaos that you see and experience in the world around you is simply reflective of the inner chaos, the inner unsettlement, the inner disturbance, the inner lack of peace, the inner judgments, the inner denials, the inner pains and wounds within you.

It is time that you permit the Divine Feminine and life itself to begin to shine its intelligent loving light upon that which is within you, that you may begin to reveal that which has been denied for so long within.

You are existing in a time in which you are destined to disentangle from this paradigm of old. If you were to learn to do this, you would find within yourself a growing feeling of freedom, a growing knowing of your true and divine dignity. You would come to feel a strength arising within you, different from any type of strength that you have yet known. You would come to discover more of that inner light that is seeking now to be known, seeking first to be known by you in your awareness, seeking then to be expressed into your world. And you would come to know yourselves to be not separate from Life itself.

This will sound to some of you like fantasy. We understand that, for it is so removed, it is so different from that which you would normally experience in your day-to-day life. Yet we say to you, we wish to guide you along the journey, that you may come to realize that Life is not what it has appeared to be through the course of time. Life is a divine intelligence, a loving presence that seeks to interact with you in a way that would enable you to experience freedom and joy and to animate your unique expression of your unique brilliance.

And we bring forth our wisdom and our guidance that you may seek to evermore resolve that which is within you left unresolved from times past. You have brought forth within you some of the remnant shadows of old for the purpose of moving through them, resolving them, that you may move evermore into the light, the joy, the freedom, the loving wildness of who you truly are. And as you embrace more of this, your life experience will ever more reflect it back to you.For as within, so without.

So be it.

You are more magnificent than your minds can even grasp at this time.

Dear one, you are alive in a unique moment in history in which humanity is meant to release its conscious and unconscious
attachments to the old ways of being upon this earthly realm. You identify with the limitedness of that which you have known in your past, of the struggle that has been the experience of your life because that is what you have known to this point, that is what you believe to be the limit of your reality. And we say to you, it is not so. You are capable of unlimitedness.

This unlimitedness is not that which is intended to come forth into your life with the snap of fingers. No. It is that which you are meant to move into by way of disentangling yourself, slowly detaching yourself, from the shadows of old. For dear one, you have lived lifetime upon lifetime upon lifetime. Each of these experiences—no matter how challenging they may have been—contain within them an earthly wisdom, an as yet unsurfaced worldly wisdom. And once you have made peace with your experiences of old, once you have reconciled that which is within you that is seeking reconciliation, then you will emerge to be the healed consciousness, the wisened consciousness, the elevated consciousness, that is able to ever more fully animate yourself in this human experience. Then it is that you will begin to invite for yourself the experience of your true magnificence, your true divine birthright, your true destiny.

Dear one, you are more magnificent than your mind can even grasp at this time. You cannot conceive of who you truly are and who you have truly come here to be. If we were to describe you as being a light bulb, we would say that you are representing a mere fraction of the brilliance that you truly have the capacity to experience and to express in this earthly realm.

It is our duty, it is our honor, and it is our purpose to assist you in examining all that is within you that diminishes you, that restricts you, that denies you from being your full brilliance. And then we will gently, purposefully, lovingly guide you to light yourselves up. What better way to playfully describe your enlightenment process? Become evermore the light you already are in your essence.

So be it.
