Welcome to The Rise of the Divine Feminine!
You have answered the call to expand consciously and the heavens are rejoicing.
I am also personally excited that you have made this deeply self-loving decision. You are ready now to step into your Divinity at this pivotal moment and you will be safely and lovingly guided.
As you look around and see only chaos, know that this is the time that was foretold to be the beginning of the next era of humanity. The old paradigm is crumbling in order to make way for the new. The old corrupt masculine paradigm is, in this very moment, being dismantled by the force of the Divine Feminine.
This is a challenging moment of very real transition for humanity. It can be made easier for those who consciously navigate their way to a higher vibration.
The higher frequencies are already in this realm. We do not have a choice about whether we evolve or not. But we can consciously choose to embrace the change towards embodying our Divinity.
Or we can resist and continue to experience the heaviness of the dismantling of the old in denial, fear and panic. This would be a choice to suffer.
But you have chosen to Rise!
This is a fully channeled course led by Mary the Magdalene.
She brings forth words of wisdom, a vibration of love, messages of healing and transformation for you.
As you step onto your conscious path of rising, know that whatever is happening in your life is all happening FOR you.
For your evolution, for your soul’s expansion. There is no need to feel that you are doing anything wrong, that you are being punished or that your life is destined to always feel so exhausting. No. The shadows are being brought up into the light to be healed. This is the process that is currently occurring for all of humanity.
It is much easier for you to see this bigger picture with clarity and be guided through your personal process by the highest vibration and consciousness of heaven.
To be held through your expansion. To be loved through the challenges. To be seen and recognised as the light that you truly are, even when all you feel is the darkness.
This is the process.
You are guided and loved. The Magdalene and all those she keeps company with in the heavens are with you.
How to work with the materials in this immersion
The Rise of the Divine Feminine has been created FOR you. It is not designed to be taken as a conventional course where you feel pressured to move through the materials within 5 weeks so you can be a good student or get a good grade. No.
These materials are here as a potent gift to you. To be moved through at your own pace, when you feel called to do so.
It is indeed advisable to spend as much time as you can in these highest of vibrations, but that is different to feeling pressured to complete a ‘course’ in good time.
When you begin moving through the journey you will be given one piece of content at a time.
Once you have clicked ‘complete’ on the current section, you will have access to the next one 24 hours later. This gives you time to be with each piece of content.
Once you have moved through all 5 modules, you can go back and revisit any section in any order.
The material will be yours for life. I recommend that you keep returning to the materials at different stages of your journey. You will always see and experience something different each time you sit with the content.
The effect of swimming in heavenly vibrations
All of the content carries the vibration of heaven, whether in the written or spoken word. So to immerse yourself in this content is to immerse yourself in the vibration of heaven.
People experience this in different ways. You may be brought to tears, you may feel expanded, you may feel elated and blissful. You may feel uncomfortable. You may fall asleep. You may not feel anything at all. But that doesn't mean that nothing is happening. There will be shifts occurring that are in your conscious awareness and some that are not.
The more you immerse yourself in very high vibrations, the more the heavier, denser frequencies are freed to move. To rise up and be healed. If you feel the rising of uncomfortable emotions at any point during your journey know that this IS the process of healing.
The darkness must make way for more light.
So be gentle with yourself. Be loving with yourself. Do not judge the emotions that arise, or shame yourself for having them. Many of them will be ancient emotions that finally are able to shift.
This is a blessed process. Allow these emotions to rise.
Love yourself always as if you were a small child healing from their wounds. It is not the child’s fault that they are wounded. It just happened through the experience of life. They cannot be shamed or judged back to health. They must be loved back to life.
View yourself the same way.
Keep a journal throughout the course
There are specific journaling prompts and questions within each module to give you a greater clarity and wider perspective on your life.
I would also recommend that you keep your journal close by at all times. Make it a new practice to jot down things you notice as you move through your day. You can then review your notes at the end of each week.
So much clarity and wisdom can come from your own observations.
You will come to learn in time that you are your own teacher.
We have introduced prayers as well as meditations into this course. Your intentions and spoken words are extremely powerful, so the practice of listening to the prayers and stating the intentions aloud are a potent part of your declaration to yourself and to life that you are on your conscious journey of rising.
That is why we have included a Pdf for you to read and speak the words of the prayers out loud.
So use the prayers and the meditations as a part of your integral practices. Keep going back to your favorite ones.
Turn towards them when you feel challenged in your life.
Don’t just take the Rise of the Divine Feminine once, never to return to the content again. These pieces of content are practical tools to move through this journey of expansion.
There is so much here for you in this immersion!
The Magdalene is now one of your guides to conscious expansion
So many people comment on how once they start consciously becoming aware of the Magdalene and communicating with her, they begin to feel and notice changes in their lives.
They feel her presence. They feel guided and supported by her.
This is true. She is very present with you. She is aware of your human journey and simultaneously she sees the divinity in you.
She is your guide, your teacher, your friend. She only has love for you.
So call her in.
Set the intention that she is now, from this moment forward, walking the way with you.
Every step of the way.
Before you begin
Please watch this video, where Shams-Tabriz describes what Channeling really is.